Wednesday, November 10, 2004

My Apartment

A View From the Inside. Posted by Hello

Amazingly, I awoke around 7:00 am Friday morning to a room of chaos; my bags were of course where I had dropped them the night before. I finally had the opportunity to tour my new dwellings. Everything was quite impressive, like the hardwood floors, the huge sliding glass lanai doors that led out onto a greenhouse-like patio that overlooked the street, and the granite entry-way. Don't allow me to embellish too much, though...I had fallen asleep on someone else's sheet, mold was creeping up the walls, and it still is a rather small studio...and allow me to enlighten you on what I consider a quite amusing aspect of my apartment...the shower.

You see, being from the US and all, and being spoiled by large bathtubs and strong water pressure in the showers, I never expected what I found in Apartment 304...or what I didn't find. Well, I have no shower. Unless you call a shower head attached to a hose attached to the sink a shower. So, upon discovering this strange phenomenon, I was first in denial, then in outrage, and finally, just laughed and decided, if everyone else in this country can do it, then so can I. Needless to say, I must admit I skipped out on taking a shower that morning.

Right on time, Mr. Moon arrived and off to the school we went. It was great news to learn that the school is only a 15-minute walk from my apartment. My first day was definitely a whirlwind... fortunately for me, it was a party day for the kids since it was Halloween. The children were dressed in costumes, and most of the morning was spent taking them around some local stores for "Trick-or-Treating". The head teacher finally said I could go home around 5:00 pm, and somehow I found my way back to my apartment, which I discovered was in a very nice building in a very nice apartment, and passed out. Thank God for the sandwich I swiped from the airplane...and thank God for weekends!

My Little Kitchen.Posted by Hello

The Infamous Shower. Posted by Hello


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