Friday, November 04, 2005

Oct. 31 - Nov. 4: Last Week at Swaton

Well, I just commenced my last and final week of teaching little Korean tots how to speakee the Englishee. Monday was a full day of Halloween fun, and I spent the better half of the day painting some of the ugliest pictures ever onto unsuspecting children's faces. However, my excitement of the day turned into exasperation when I was told that I had to move out of my apartment and into my coworker's apartment (he moved in with his girlfriend) the next day!

So...that evening I transferred most of my things and thoroughly cleaned my smelly home for the next six days. On Tuesday I headed home right after getting off work early to pack the rest of my things, only to find my boss digging in my medicine cabinet! I almost had a heart attack right there, pleading with him to let me deal with my bathroom articles. We finally got everything loaded into the moving truck, driven across town, and up into my new apartment. I was NOT a happy camper.

Fortunately, I had a lovely evening that really made me forget about my day's troubles. I went out for a final dinner of Dalkgalbi with my friend Mike, and then we went to a "Game Board Room" where you rent out games by the hour for super cheap...we played Battleship for a bit before finally succumbing to the craving for ice cream.

Wednesday morning I taught my favorite kindergarten class how to make banana splits. After work, I met up with Erin for Pho at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant, and then afterwards she came over to my house for some chatting while I packed. Thursday was an easy day, and as I was leaving work around 6:00 pm, I got a fantastic surprise when my cell phone rang. It was one of my favorite six-year-old students calling to tell me that he was watching TV and that tomorrow was going to be a bad day because I was leaving! After I got off the phone with Kevin, I went to dinner with my two private students, Frank and Julia, and their families, followed by the now traditional Wine Night with Jessica.

Today was a sad day. I tried my hardest to be a terrific, attentive teacher , but my mind was not there. My boss's wife took all us teachers to lunch, and when we came back to the school we were greeted by about fifteen mothers and a room full of food, such as fruit, cakes, cookies, crackers, etc. We had a party, the children gave us cards, and we said goodbye. After my midday break, I taught three more classes, and then at 7:30 it was all over. I am offically retired from my teaching career! It was quite sad saying goodbye to some of my students, particularly my morning kindergartners, but at the same time I am ready to go.


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