Saturday, December 18, 2004

Dec. 13 - Dec. 17: Dongchi

I suppose I was so spoiled by the way November flew by that I automatically assumed my remaining time in Korea would be over in a flash. Not so. This past week was the most unbearably long week in the history of my life. I have no understanding of this phenomenon... perhaps the exciting combination of having a week away from snotty kids and the opportunity to backpack through Japan has wreaked havoc on my internal calendar.

The children were a nightmare all week long. Call it what you may, but I perceive it as "Christmas-itis". Even though Christmas here is not celebrated with the commercialization that we westerners prefer, the idea of having a week away from schools and tests and books (and teachers who yell incomprehensible warnings in English) has set these kids on a rampage.

They look so innocent... Posted by Hello

For example, while I usually get a dongchi or two throughout a typical week, I got at least fifteen this week. What is dongchi, you ask? Well, according to the Urban Dictionary, dongchi (also referred to as the bum poke, shocker, goose, etc.) is a Korean term referring to the act of "using chopsticks or anything that is long, strong, and firm enough and swiftly shoving up one's..." well, you get the picture! One morning, I was goosed six times...all before lunchtime. And these bum pokes come in many it a six-year old's small hand, finger, pencil, pen, eraser, pencil name it, I've had it stuck "where the sun don't shine."

Away from me, I tell ya! Posted by Hello

Somehow, through the grace of God, I made it through the week with my dignity (and ability to walk) intact. Let's just hope next week isn't so dreadful!


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well what do you expect sweet southern belle, that thing is irresistible!!! ;)

At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok.. I'm sorry Tiffany, but that is too darn funny! 6 year olds? whew! You need some good ol Catholic school hand swatting going on around there!


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