Dec. 6 - Dec. 10: Mullets in Playland

Here comes the headache...

This week flew by...and can you believe I am still sick? I'm starting to think the old vocal chords are permanently damaged, because I still sound like "grandpa," as my kids affectionately like to describe my voice. However, I did finally receive my healthcare card, which really means nothing because I was raised in a suck-it-up-you'll-get-better and home-remedies-are-the-best-remedies household. I figure if it's still bad after a month, THEN I may have to get some meds.
I managed to check a few things off my "To Do" list this week...opened a bank account with $0 down (obviously, not Bank of America), pressured for my healthcare card, finally got paid today (for the first time since I've been here!), AND got my very first Christmas present!!! Okay, so the last thing wasn't exactly on my list of things to do, but it is very exciting! It was a huge box loaded with candy and toys and too much exciting loot to list! But it definitely made my week, and I'll be chomping on bubble gum for a month! (Thanks, Jim!)

The Gamers.

Thursday we took the kids to a huge indoor playground, called "Playland" or something creative like that. It was an hour of hell and headaches, but the kids thought they'd died and gone to heaven. The highlight of my day was the discovery of the video game section...and we're talking old school video games! I played Super Mario Bros. and got all the way to the first dungeon before losing all 10 men...I actually remembered where all the warp zones were. Playland Rules!
Okay, I lied. The highlight of my day was not the video games. Nor was it getting hit in the head with plastic balls. It was a kid I saw at Playland...I have no idea who he is, but I knew immediately he deserved a spot in my beloved blog. Words could never do justice to the phenomenon I witnessed yesterday; therefore, I'll leave you with a picture so that you may ponder during a moment of silence....

I got perm! I got highlights! I got Korean Kamaro Kut!

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