Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Blue Shoes and Snowflakes

Friday night I ended my workday at 7:30 pm, proceeded to the gym for a 2-hour workout fest (I am one determined chica!), then trodded through freezing temperatures to my apartment. As soon as I walked in the door, I was greeted with my ringing phone. A quick shower, a granola bar and peanut butter shoved down my throat, and a splash of makeup later, I was back out in the elements for an unplanned rendezvous with my two fellow English teachers Chris, Andrew, and Andrew's wife at the local "foreigner" dive. We shared a few laughs, I ate an apple I had stowed in my pocket (in addition to some birthday cake we stole from some Koreans), and called it a night.

Saturday night I met up with some friends in Gangnam at another "All-You-Can-Eat-and-Drink" restaurant to celebrate the birthday of some girl I've never met (and didn't meet that night, either, come to think of it!) The food was not nearly as good as the place we went last time, but they did have a sad attempt at flour tortillas and Mexican taco-makings...they definitely scored a few points with that one.

No surprises here: after we finished gorging ourselves, we hopped into a taxi and headed to Gecko's in Itaewon. I've decided that the place is definitely what you make of it, and I've never really been in the mood for it before. However, I was feeling quite spunky that night, so therefore my time spent there wasn't miserable at all. I actually met a few decent people this time! We ended up back at Polly's Kettle, which is probably the most unclassy place in Seoul, but when I've got my dancing shoes on (the blue ones, of course!), there's no stopping me.

As we left Polly's in search of a taxi that night, a light snow was falling. It was so beautiful, and so perfect! I must have been a sight to see, happily skipping through Seoul with my pants rolled up to my knees and my flourescent blue shoes sparkling through the glistening white snow. Nights like those actually make me kind of like the winter...just a bit.

Blue Shoes and Snowflakes Posted by Hello


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