Thursday, January 27, 2005

Jan. 24 - Jan. 28: I'm Cute!

As I'm writing this, I just realized that today marks three months since I arrived in Korea. What a milestone! This is the point where, according to what I've read and heard, I should either love it here or hate it here. I guess I'm still on the fence with that one! Overall, though, I am happy here, and each day is definitely a new experience.

Well this week has been not unlike any of the previous few weeks. Each day basically consisted of working, working out, and coming home to dinner and my latest obsession: television. Now, I did not even have cable in the States, but the temptation of satellite TV in a world of Korean speakers is way too much for me to resist. Thus, I come home at night just in time for CSI: Miami, followed by CSI: Las Vegas. I also have a new guilty indulgence in the form of reruns of Fox's "Paradise Hotel." It's another cheezy reality show with no point whatsoever, but it has finally arrived in Korea and made me its newest victim.

I do have one entertaining story from the week: On Tuesday, one of the more rambunctious 6-year-olds, Danny, was following me around class, slapping and poking at my hiney. I finally turned around, sat him down, looked him squarely in the face, and said, "WHY?" He gently laid his hand on my face, leaned in closely, and whispered, "Coz you cute." Now, boys, don't go trying this move on your secretary, but it made me laugh and Danny was instantly forgiven!

On another note, I am leaving tonight for a weekend snowboarding trip to Yong Pyong ski resort. A Seoul events company has organized this event for over 300 people, bringing in DJs to spin Friday and Saturday nights, not to mention chefs to cater to our every gluttonous need. I am definitely looking forward to some fun! My throat's been killing me all week, so let's hope when I get back Sunday night, I'll still have my voice!


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