Sunday, February 06, 2005

Central Anyang

This past weekend, I finally met some new people in my area. Friday night, I met up with my friend Ryan and some of his coworkers. There are about fifteen foreign teachers at their school and they all live in the same building and hang out together. It makes me very jealous! Anyway, we took a 15-minute cab ride to could probably say that Pyeongchon is a suburb of Anyang. We decided to check out the scene at a dive dance club called Techno Bar, where we had a blast. Good music, good people, and I actually discovered some Koreans with some serious hip-hop moves...based on what I've seen on television, I didn't know they existed!

Saturday was a complete relaxation day...I did laundry, worked out, then went up to Kelly's. She left early Sunday morning for a few days in Singapore (more jealousy), so we spent the evening catching up on the week while she packed.

Sunday morning, I came back to Pyeongchon and decided to walk around the Beomgye station area. I found the closest thing I could to a Korean version of Urban Outfitters, and ended up spending an hour shopping. Most clothing stores in Korea do not have dressing rooms, so you have to guess whether or not something fits, which is one of the reasons I haven't bought anything here yet. My body is not a pick it out and pay for it kind of body...dressing rooms are essential! So imagine my surprise to find a little corner of the store with a swinging door just large enough to cover the area from my chest to my thighs...enough room to strip down to my skivvies and still have my pride. I only walked out of the store with a hat and a shirt, but it felt oh-so-good to give myself a satisfying shopping fix.

The rest of Sunday was completely boring...I didn't even leave my apartment again! However, I did attempt to dye my hair. I know, I original plan was to treat myself to a hair color change only after succeeding in losing five pounds. No, I haven't lost any weight, but I do believe I have dropped some serious body fat. I ended up with the same brown hair, but ultra-blonde roots...definitely not the look I was going for! Thus, it is mandatory to have a professional repair my mistakes ASAP! I'm going to make an appointment first thing tomorrow.

I am so excited about only having to work one day next week, though! Yippeee!


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